Subscription Bronze Securysat
Ref. SAT.50.005
€ 110,35
Product Details
Subscription price is per year.
Tracking is done by using Openstreetmap
Tracking possible via app and computer
- Possibility to search for addresses on the map
- Resource view for each vehicle
- Zoom view: possibility to follow a vehicle, driver, group or resources.
- Recording of all types of events with the possibility of setting alerts, with SMS control centre to send messages to drivers and receive alerts depending on the events.
- Administration Securysat and mobile application: administration interface to create user accounts and configure their rights on the solution.
- Hidden module linked to GPS and GSM antenna, with the option of also placing it hidden.
- GPRS modem contains a SIM card
- All vehicles can be tracked in real time.
- Actual positions can be followed on the road map.
- Overview of stops including time and duration, the trips including start and stop addresses, distance and time driven or even a complete position list from minute to minute with an overview of the kilometres driven. View these reports in PDF or EXCEL.